
Buying real estate is an important decision for each of us. When buying or selling a property, experience matters and TOPIMMO is the right decision. We offer mediation in buying, selling, renting or leasing. Full range of additional services needed by our clients and related to their properties.
Legal services Legal services
With TOPIMMO, your transaction is fully legally protected.

Legal protection. At the disposal of each TOPIMMO client and completely free of charge is our experienced lawyer, who will carry out the necessary checks, prepare all documents and contracts and will be present with you at the confession of the transaction and payment of the price.

We offer you the following legal services as part of our service:
  • Oral opinion on immovable property subject to purchase and sale
  • Preparation of documents for sale of real estate
  • Property verification
  • Verification of recorded real encumbrances on the immovable property subject to a transaction
  • Preparation of a preliminary contract for purchase and sale of real estate
  • Preparation of a rental contract
  • Preparation of different types of contracts in connection with the execution of a transaction
  • Verification of documents prepared by one of the parties to the transaction 
  • Participation in negotiations between the parties

Legal services at extra charge:
  • Written observations on immovable property subject to purchase and sale 
  • Collection of documentation for real estate history
  • Preparation of a notarial deed
  • Representation for conclusion of a transaction for the purchase and sale of immovable property
  • Registration of changes in the right to property in the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre
  • Registration of changes in the right to property in the Local Taxes Directorate of the municipality where the purchased real estate is located
  • Registration of changes in the right of ownership in the respective companies for electricity and water supply of the real estate 
  • Other legal services, if necessary
Prices and other services Prices and other services
Detailed list of our services and their prices:

  • Consultation for purchase or sale of property, selection of properties - free of charge.
  • Organization of real or online property surveys - free of charge
  • Agent commission when buying a property: 2.5% of the price of the property, but not less than BGN 1 565. (€800) due upon signing a preliminary contract, except for properties that explicitly state that a commission is not due. The full range of support services for purchase and sale are specified in the Mediation Agreement
  • Exclusive representation of a buyer - search for properties according to criteria set by the buyer. Personalized search for a specific buyer, tied to deadlines and special discounts
  • Commission from a tenant/landlord - half or a whole rent from a tenant and a landlord depending on the property. For short-term and seasonal rentals, our commission amounts to 10% of the rental price
  • Commission for sale of property - negotiable
  • Professional photography of property - free of charge for TOPIMMO clients
  • Capture a video of a property - it will be attached to the listing for your property on our sites and on our YouTube channel, as well as on social media - free for TOPIMMO customers
  • Photos and video of the property with a drone - from 150 BGN (75€)
  • Placing specially made vinyl "For sale" or "For rent" in a visible place on the property - free of charge for TOPIMMO customers
  • Legal advice when buying or selling property - free of charge for TOPIMMO clients
  • Purchase or sale tax consultation - free for TOPIMMO customers
  • Representation of buyer or seller of a transaction - free of charge for TOPIMMO customers
  • Assistance for preparing documents for purchase of property - free of charge for TOPIMMO clients
  • Assistance for preparing documents for sale of property - free of charge for TOPIMMO clients
  • Fee for preparation of a notary deed - 300 BGN
  • Acceptance and organization of transaction payments - free of charge for TOPIMMO clients
  • All bank fees are at the expense of the customer
  • Assistance for insurance of property or other real estate or movable property - free of charge. You pay the value of the insurance premium according to the tariff of your chosen insurance company
  • Legal services - on a specific offer
  • Accounting services - on a specific offer
  • Expert property valuations - prices vary depending on the property and its location
  • Change of lots for electricity, water and telephone - 196 BGN (100€)
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